知情人士透露,上个月,OpenAI的董事会董事Adam D’Angelo曾致电大数据公司Databricks的CEO Ali Ghodsi,询问他是否考虑加入OpenAI的董事会。据悉,Ghodsi一直将公司定位为OpenAI的竞争对手,曾公开建议主要客户开发自己的AI模型或定制开源模型,而不是依赖OpenAI的闭源模型。有知情人士表示,D’Angelo的做法可能是出于非营利的考虑,即优先限制人工智能对社会的危害,而不是先赚钱。
Title: OpenAI Invites Competitor to Join Board, Prioritizing Limitation of AI’s Harm to Society
Keywords: OpenAI, Competitor, Board of Directors, Limitation of AI
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Sources reveal that last month, Adam D’Angelo, a member of OpenAI’s board of directors, called Ali Ghodsi, CEO of big data company Databricks, to inquire if he would consider joining OpenAI’s board. It is understood that Ghodsi has always positioned his company as a potential competitor of OpenAI and has publicly advised major clients to develop their own AI models or customize open-source models, rather than relying on OpenAI’s proprietary models. Sources indicate that D’Angelo’s approach may be motivated by non-profit considerations, prioritizing the limitation of AI’s harm to society over making money first.
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