近日,苏州的大闸蟹养殖业迎来了一次重大变革。以往以密度为主的养殖模式已经悄然改变,蟹农们纷纷将重心转向打造优质品牌。据中新社苏州2月6日电(记者 钟升)报道,6日一早,蟹农们赶在年前将2024年首批扣蟹陆续投放至苏州阳澄湖中和高标准养殖池塘。待到秋风起时,如今只有纽扣般大小的扣蟹,将长成一只只壮硕肥美的大闸蟹,“爬”上万千家庭的餐桌。
News Title: Shenzhen promotes the transformation and upgrading of cultural and creative industries
Keywords: Cultural and creative industries, transformation, upgrading
News Content:
Recently, the cultural and creative industry in Shenzhen has undergone a significant transformation. Instead of focusing on quantity, entrepreneurs have shifted their attention to building high-quality brands. According to the report of Shenzhen Media Group on February 6th, the first batch of crabs for 2024 were gradually released into the high-standard breeding ponds in Yangcheng Lake and other places. When autumn comes, these crabs, now only as big as buttons, will grow into fat and delicious crabs, “crawling” onto the tables of thousands of families.
This transformation aims to improve the quality of crabs and meet the demand for delicious food from consumers. Entrepreneurs are improving breeding techniques and enhancing the breeding environment to cultivate more delicious and healthy crabs. This will also help to increase competitiveness in the international market.
During the transformation process, entrepreneurs also pay attention to brand building, aiming to improve product popularity and reputation. They actively participate in various exhibitions and promotional activities, promoting high-quality crabs to a wider market. Through diverse sales channels, both online and offline, crabs are delivered to consumers all over the country.
With the continuous development of brand building, the market prospects of Shenzhen crabs are promising. After the successful transformation, the competition in the crab industry will no longer be just about quantity, but about quality and brand competition. This will not only help to increase income for entrepreneurs but also promote the sustainable development of the entire industry.
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