Title: Over 15% of Canadian immigrants choose to migrate again within 20 years
Keywords: Canada, immigration, migrate again
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Recently, the Canadian Statistics Bureau released a research result showing that more than 15% of immigrants who were accepted in Canada from 1982 to 2017 chose to leave the country and migrate to other countries within 20 years. This reveals an ignored phenomenon in the Canadian immigrant population.
According to the survey, some of the reasons for these repeated migrants include the cold climate and unstable job market in Canada. Despite the numerous welfare and opportunities provided by the Canadian government for immigrants, many are still seeking a better living environment. Furthermore, global economic integration has provided migrants with more choices, allowing them to seek better jobs and living conditions worldwide.
In response to this phenomenon, the Canadian government has begun to take measures to improve the quality of life and integration of immigrants. For example, increasing vocational training, improving English and French education, and investing more in emerging industries to create more job opportunities. In addition, the Canadian government also cooperates with the international community to address global climate change and other issues, enhancing the country’s image and attractiveness.
Although the phenomenon of repeated migration reflects certain shortcomings of Canada’s immigration policy, it also provides a chance for the country to reflect and improve. In the future, the Canadian government needs to continue efforts to create a more livable and inclusive society for immigrants.
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