据Statcounter的2023年12月份浏览器市场报告,微软 edge历史性登顶第二,Safari意外暴跌,Chrome稳步增长。其中,微软 edge在2023年5月被Safari超越后屈居第三,如今王者归来,重回桌面浏览器亚军宝座。12月份,其市场份额从11.23%上升至11.9%,创下历史新高。值得一提的是,Edge现已跨平台支持Windows、macOS和Linux系统。苹果Safari则遭遇了断崖式下跌,作为报告中唯一一个非跨平台桌面浏览器,其市场份额上个月从13.3%暴跌至8.96%,原因不明,已逼近Firefox的7.62%。
此外,桌面端浏览器霸主Chrome依然稳坐钓鱼台。其市场份额高达65.23%,较上月增加了3.17个百分点。前五名中的最后一个席位则由Opera占据,但其市场份额也有所下降(下降0.74个百分点),目前为3.8%。再来看看移动端,Chrome在64.93%的市场份额上增长0.39个百分点,而Safari则在24.71%的市场份额上下降0.45个百分点。此外,Samsung Internet的市场份额下降0.1个百分点至4.48%,Opera的市场份额增长0.18个百分点至2.28%,而UC浏览器的市场份额则增长0.03个百分点至1.48%。
值得注意的是,微软 edge虽然在iPhone和Android上也有一定用户,但与竞争对手相比差距悬殊,其移动市场份额仅为0.24%。
英文标题:Microsoft Edge and Safari browser market share changes
关键词:Microsoft Edge, Safari, browser market share
According to Statcounter’s December 2023 browser market report, Microsoft Edge made history by ranking second, while Safari experienced a significant decline. Chrome remained the dominant browser with a market share of 65.23%, up 3.17 points from the previous month. The last spot in the top five was occupied by Opera, but its market share also decreased by 0.74 points, now at 3.8%. Meanwhile, on the mobile side, Chrome took the lead with a market share of 64.93%, followed by Safari with a 24.71% market share, Samsung Internet with a 4.48% market share, Opera with a 2.28% market share, and UC browser with a 1.48% market share.
Notably, Microsoft Edge has some users on iPhone and Android, but it is far behind its competitors, with a mobile market share of only 0.24%.
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