





英文标题:Rev复兴号新车型CR200J-C long-term train sets officially launched in Jilin to Weihai section

关键词:Rev复兴号,新车型,CR200J-C,long-term train sets,Jilin to Weihai section


据中国铁路官方 announced today,CR200J-C long-term train sets have been officially launched in the Jilin to Weihai section. The new model has attracted widespread attention from train enthusiasts and passengers.

The CR200J-C long-term train sets feature four main colors: red, white, gray, and green. They have been previously referred to as “AD calcium” by train enthusiasts. The new train sets include 18 train cars, including 2 power cars, 16拖车, 3 first-class cabins, 10 second-class cabins, 2 second-class/dining car cabins, and 1 disabled person’s car.

The first-class cabins on the CR200J-C long-term train sets feature 4 berths with lockable cabriolets. The windows feature small table tops with built-in power outlets for charging. Each berth bedhead features a adjustable brightness and angle reading light and USB charging interface, allowing passengers to regulate air conditioning, audio volume, and lighting.

The second-class cabins on the train feature 6 berths with semi-enclosed design. Each berth features a readjustable brightness and angle reading light, just like the first-class cabins. The disabled person’s car is equipped with wheelchair固定带、emergency call button、and safety handlebars, along with a spacious disabled person’s bathroom and baby care table, making it easier for passengers with disabilities to use.

The 9th car of the long-term train set is an accessible car, equipped with wheelchair fixed带、emergency call button、and safety handlebars. It also features adjustable lighting and angle reading lights and USB charging interface.

The普通的 CR200J-C复兴号动车组列车载客为8节车厢,涂装采用“国槐绿”与“中国白”相间的设计,全长232.5米,定员676人;长编组的CR200J型动力集中电力动车组设计为2动18拖的编组,而短编组的CR200J型为1动8


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