Title: Return of Dong Yuhui to live streaming, buying a house in Beijing, and Y尤洪’s response to Dong’s promotion to senior partner
Keywords: Dong Yuhui, return to live streaming, buying a house in Beijing, Y尤洪, new identities
News content:
Dong Yuhui returned to live streaming on December 18th, 2022, after the small作文事件. He co-hosted the live stream with Yu Ming洪 at the东方甄选直播间. According to Dong, the number of online viewers reached more than 3.8 million people during the live stream. Yu Ming洪 responded to Dong’s promotion to senior partner, saying that some people have the impression that he received the title because of pressure, but in fact, he has been trying to propose it for a long time. He also introduced Dong’s three new identities during the live stream.
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