12 月 14 日,北京市住建委、中国人民银行北京市分行、国家金融监督管理总局北京监管局、北京住房公积金管理中心、国家税务总局北京市税务局等五部门联合发布《关于调整优化本市普》文件,明确优化本市普通住房政策,更好满足居民刚性和改善性住房需求。
根据文件内容,自 12 月 14 日起,北京首套房首付比例降至 3 成,二套房首付比例降至 40%。此外,文件还规定,购买第二套住房的家庭,为首套购房贷款未结清的,首付比例不低于 50%。
Title: Beijing adjusts and optimizes residential housing policy, reducing down payment ratio for first-time home buyers to 30% and 40% for second-time buyers
Keywords: Beijing, residential housing policy, down payment ratio, adjustment and optimization
News content:
On December 14th, the Beijing Housing and Construction Commission, the People’s Bank of China Beijing branch, the National Financial Regulatory Commission Beijing branch, the Beijing Housing provident fund 管理中心,the Beijing Tax Service Bureau, and the State Tax Service Bureau of China co-published a document titled “Adjusting and optimizing residential housing policies in Beijing, in order to better meet the housing needs of the public and improve the quality of the housing market.”
According to the document, starting from December 14th, the down payment ratio for the first-time home buyer in Beijing has been reduced to 30%, and the down payment ratio for the second-time home buyer has been reduced to 40%. In addition, the document requires that families buying their second home, who have not yet paid off their first home mortgage, must have a down payment ratio of at least 50%.
The purpose of this policy adjustment is to reduce the down payment burden for residents, further promote the smooth and healthy development of the real estate market. At the same time, the release of this document also reflects the government’s attention to the housing needs of first-time and second-time buyers, in order to meet the housing needs of more citizens.
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