据北京市气象部门预报,13 日白天,北京迎来了降雪天气。预计 13 日 22 时后降雪会再度加强。14 日白天,北京阴有中雪到大雪,北风二三级,最高气温零下 2℃。此次降雪天气过程将从 13 日 22 时后开始,一直持续到 14 日白天。北京市气象部门提醒市民朋友们注意保暖,出行需带好雨具。
Beijing snowfall is expected to strengthen again from 22:00 on 13th, with snow falling from moderate to heavy during the day on 14th. The temperature will be around -2℃.”This snowfall event is expected to start from 22:00 on 13th and last until 14th.” The Beijing Meteorological Bureau reminds the public to be warm and to bring rain gear when traveling.
Snowfall is expected to strengthen again in Beijing from 22:00 on December 13th, with snow falling from moderate to heavy during the day on December 14th. The temperature will be around -2°C. “This snowfall event is expected to start from 22:00 on December 13th and last until December 14th.” The Beijing Meteorological Bureau reminds the public to be warm and to bring rain gear when traveling.
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