1. 北京市气象台 12 月 10 日 17 时发布:10 日夜间阴转小到中雪,东转北风一二级,最低气温零下 4℃;11 日白天零星小雪转多云,北转南风二三级,最高气温 2℃。根据最新的气象资料分析,13 日至 14 日仍有降雪天气,15 日开始有强冷空气活动,届时白天最高气温降至冰点以下。
2. 专家提醒:大雪天气寒冷,注意防寒保暖,尤其是老人和孩子。同时,多吃高热量食物,多喝水,保持室内通风,有助于提高身体免疫力。
3. 为应对强冷空气,北京市政府已经启动了应急预案,加强了对城市交通、能源、通信等基础设施的保障。同时,呼吁市民们积极响应号召,做好防寒保健康的准备,确保度过一个温暖的冬天。
1. How to protect your health during the coldest winter in Beijing?
2.北京市气象台发布大雪蓝色预警,最低气温跌至零下 4℃,需防寒保健康!
3. Latest meteorological data analysis: snowfall will continue until 14th, and strong cold air will start from 15th, with the highest temperature falling below freezing point during the day.
1. snow
2. winter
3. health
1. How to protect your health during the coldest winter in Beijing?
2. The Beijing Meteorological Bureau issued a snow blue warning at 3:30 pm on December 10th, with the minimum temperature dropping to -4℃; please take care of your 防寒 and stay healthy!
3. Latest meteorological data analysis: snowfall will continue until 14th, and strong cold air will start from 15th, with the highest temperature falling below freezing point during the day.
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