1997 年 12 月 7 日,纽约“纪念南京大屠杀受难同胞联合会”等团体在纽约市举行了一场名为“为和平而歌”的音乐音乐会,以纪念 60 年前在南京死于日本侵略者屠刀下的 30 万无辜中国百姓。这场音乐会提醒世人不忘历史,珍爱和平。



英文标题:Remembering history and cherishing peace: The concert in New York to commemorate the Nanjing Massacre

关键词:Remembering history, cherishing peace, Nanjing Massacre, concert


On December 7, 1997, the “Federation of Martyrs in Nanjing” and other organizations in New York City held a concert called “For Peace and Love” to commemorate the 300,000 innocent Chinese people who died at the hands of Japanese 侵略 ors 60 years ago in Nanjing. This concert reminded people not to forget history and cherish peace.


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