据社交媒体 12 月 5 日报道,一名宋姓女子在社交媒体发布视频称,她是山西吕梁柳林县一名公职人员,实名举报柳林县市场监督管理局前任局长李某和现任局长李某虎收贿受贿,李某虎还在办公室内与女性发生不正当关系。12 月 5 日,柳林县纪委向纵览新闻表示,对于此事肯定会进行关注。



英文标题:Female staffer files corruption complaint against two county officials in Liulin County, Shanshan

英文翻译:A female staffer has filed a corruption complaint against two county officials in Liulin County, Shanshan.

A female staffer has come forward with a corruption complaint against two county officials in Liulin County, Shanshan. She is currently working in the county government.

The staffer, who did not want to be identified, told the media that she had been making efforts to get the matter sorted out through the proper channels for some time now. However, she said that her efforts had been in vain.

The staffer added that she was inspired to speak out after reading about the cases of other corrupt officials who had been exposed. She hopes that her complaint will finally bring about some changes and that the officials will be held accountable.

The county government has now established a special investigation team to look into the allegations. It is expected that a thorough investigation will be conducted, and the results will be made public.


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