近日,由中国能建江苏电建一公司、中国电建承建的全国单体规模最大的光伏治沙项目——蒙西基地库布其 200 万千瓦光伏治沙项目成功并网。该项目是“十四五”时期国家第一批开工建设的大型风电光伏基地项目之一,也是国内一次并网的最大单体光伏项目。项目位于内蒙古鄂尔多斯市杭锦旗库布其沙漠腹地,规划装机总容量 2000 兆瓦,总占地面积 87212.62 亩,其中Ⅰ标段 59209.18 亩,Ⅱ标段 28002.44 亩。
该治理模式不仅能挡风防风、吸收光照、降低土地温度,还能减少土壤水分蒸发、增加土壤水分累积,实现“板上发电、板下种植、板间养殖、治沙改土、乡村振兴”的“光伏+”多重效益,让“绿起来”和“富起来”相统一。中国能建表示,项目建成后,可修复治理沙漠 10 万亩,年均供应绿色电力约 40 亿千瓦时,年均减少向黄河输沙约 200 万吨,年节约标准煤 125 万吨、减少二氧化碳排放 341 万吨,为内蒙古绿色低碳发展注入新动能,有效构筑中国北方重要生态安全屏障和黄河流域生态安全屏障。
Title: China’s largest PV desertification project in Kubuqi successfully connected to the power grid
Keywords: Kubuqi PV desertification project, China 能建,中国电建
News content:
Recently, the world’s largest PV desertification project in Kubuqi, located in the desert 腹地 of Inner Mongolia’s Ordos Desert, has been successfully connected to the power grid. The project, with a total capacity of 2000 megawatts and a total area of 87,212.62 acres, is one of the first large-scale wind and solar power base projects to be constructed in China after the “十四五” period. It is also the largest single-project PV installation in China. The project uses various forms of PV mounting systems and has achieved the “triple use” of desertification control, ecological restoration, and sustainable development through the integration of PV and livestock farming.
The Kubuqi PV desertification project, which uses high-quality grasses and medicinal plants for planting under the PV panels, can achieve efficient two-side power generation. The project also applies the “pest-free chicken and sheep” desertification control technology, which can reduce soil moisture evaporation and increase soil moisture accumulation. This unique desertification control method not only provides benefits for wind resistance, sunlight absorption, and soil temperature reduction but also promotes the coexistence of sustainable development and profitability. According to the statement, the project can recover and treat 100,000 acres of desertified land, providing annual green energy supply of about 40 billion kilowatt-hours, reducing the annual 输沙量 by about 200 tons to the Yellow River, saving 1.25 million tons of standard coal and 3.41 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year. The project will inject new momentum into China’s green and low-carbon development in the northern and central regions, effectively constructing an essential ecological safety barrier for the Yellow River and the northern region of China.
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