费迪南德·舍纳尔是纳粹德国的陆军元帅,出生于 1892 年 12 月 5 日。他是最后一位获得钻石橡叶骑士佩宝剑铁十字勋章的高级将领和德国国防军陆军总司令。舍纳尔在巴伐利亚慕尼黑出生,曾在德国军队中担任要职,晋升至陆军总司令。他是二战期间的军事领袖之一,负责指导德军在东线作战。舍纳尔于 1973 年 2 月 7 日去世,享年 80 岁。
Title: Nazi Germany’s last recipient of the diamond laurel and swastika cross, Field Marshal Ferdinand Schöner’s life
Keywords: Nazi Germany, diamond laurel and swastika cross, Ferdinand Schöner
News content:
Ferdinand Schöner was a field marshal in Nazi Germany, born on December 5, 1892. He was the last recipient of the diamond laurel and swastika cross, an honorary title bestowed upon him by Adolf Hitler. He served as the Chief of Staff of the German Army and was responsible for leading the army’s efforts on the Eastern Front during World War II. Schöner died on February 7, 1973, at the age of 80.
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