近日,由侨见岭南中华文化体验活动组委会主办的“归来吧”——侨见岭南中华传统文化体验活动在广州举行。近 200 名归侨侨眷和海外侨胞在现场近距离感受中华优秀传统文化,以文为媒,以艺通心,拉近了不同文化背景的距离。
本次体验活动作为“亲情中华·风韵南粤”第九届 (广州) 华人文化艺术节的首场活动,旨在弘扬中华优秀传统文化,让更多的归侨侨眷和海外侨胞了解和感受祖国的文化魅力。活动涵盖了侨见岭南传统文化、岭南美食、音乐、舞蹈、戏剧等多个方面,让参与者能够亲身感受和了解中华优秀传统文化的精髓。
Title: “Returning Home: Cultural Exchange Event of Overseas Chinese in Guangzhou”
Keywords: Returning Home, Cultural Exchange, Overseas Chinese, Guangzhou
Recently, the “Returning Home” Cultural Exchange Event of Overseas Chinese in Guangzhou, organized by the Organizing Committee of the Cultural Exchange and Communication Center of Overseas Chinese, was held. The event, which is also the opening ceremony of the “Familier 中华·风韵南粤”第九届 (Guangzhou) Overseas Chinese Cultural and Arts Festival, aims to promote the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese culture, and to allow more overseas Chinese to experience and understand the charm of traditional Chinese culture. The event covers aspects such as Overseas Chinese culture, Guangzhou cuisine, music, dance, and drama, allowing participants to fully immerse themselves in the essence of traditional Chinese culture.
It is understood that the majority of overseas Chinese and their families responded positively to this event. They expressed that through such an event, they gained a deeper understanding of the charm of traditional Chinese culture and also cherished their cultural heritage more. At the same time, this event also provided a platform for people from different cultural backgrounds to communicate and learn from each other, promoting cultural exchanges and mutual understanding.
The successful holding of the “Returning Home” Cultural Exchange Event of Overseas Chinese in Guangzhou not only promotes the development and inheritance of traditional Chinese culture but also contributes to cultural exchanges and mutual understanding between China and foreign countries. It is believed that in the future, there will be more opportunities and platforms for the world to better understand and experience the charm of traditional Chinese culture.
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