11 月 8 日 10 时 35 分,青海省果洛州消防救援支队接到报警求助,称果洛藏族自治州甘德县上贡麻乡达日黄河大桥向北 400 米处黄河河心岛约 70 头牦牛被困,请求救援。消防人员立即前往现场,经过渡河救援,成功将被困的牦牛解救。此次救援行动共转移被困牦牛 70 余头,确保了当地交通畅通。
Title: 70 head of cattle trapped on river island, fire rescue operation
Keywords: 70 head of cattle, trapped, fire, rescue
news content:
On November 8th at 10:35 a.m., the Qinghai Province Fire and Rescue Service received a distress call, stating that there were approximately 70 head of cattle stuck on the river island of the Yellow River, Gan De County, Jingzhou City. The Qinghai Province Fire and Rescue Service immediately dispatched a team to the scene, successfully rescued the trapped cattle and ensured the local traffic was unobstructed. The operation involved the transfer of more than 70 head of cattle, resulting in the improvement of local transportation.
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