1938 年 11 月 9 日,德国纳粹党在慕尼黑啤酒馆举行集会,支持者高喊着“把犹太人赶出德国”的口号。集会结束后,纳粹党成员开始攻击犹太人,他们在整个城市内进行暴力破坏和掠夺。这次集会被称为“水晶之夜”,标志着纳粹德国对犹太人的迫害正式开始。
Title: The “Crystal Night” of Nazi Persecution of Jews
Keywords: Nazi, Jews, Crystal Night
News Content:
On November 9, 1938, the Nazi Party in Germany held a rally at the beer hall in Munich to support their cause. The rally was attended by supporters who chanted “Expel the Jews from Germany.” After the rally, Nazi party members began attacking Jews, causing violence and looting throughout the city. This event was later referred to as “The Night of Broken Glass” and marked the beginning of the Nazi regime’s persecution of Jews.
In the days that followed, the Nazi government launched a massive campaign of arrest and persecution of Jews. Police and military forces were deployed to Jewish areas, forcing entry into homes and sending them to concentration camps. Many Jews were subjected to violence, including being beaten, stabbed, and killed. These crimes were never investigated or prosecuted.
“The Night of Broken Glass” was the starting point of the Nazi regime’s large-scale persecution of Jews. Over the next few years, millions of Jews were murdered or imprisoned, their property was taken away, and their dignity was destroyed. Today, we remember the Jews who suffered during the “Night of Broken Glass” and the entire Holocaust, and we also urge that we not forget these terrible events and work towards preventing them from happening again.
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