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1799 年 11 月 9 日,法国共和历雾月 18 日,拿破仑以解除雅各宾派过激主义威胁法兰西第一共和国为借口,派军队控制了督政府,接管了革命政府的一切事务,开始了为期 15 年的独裁统治。历史上称拿破仑在这天发动的政变为“雾月政变”,史称“雾月事件”。


拿破仑的雾月政变不仅对法国产生了深远的影响,也对世界历史产生了重要的影响。拿破仑的独裁统治为后来的独裁主义提供了先例,而他在 1812 年对俄罗斯的入侵则导致了拿破仑帝国的崩溃。


– 标题:拿破仑发动“雾月政变”开启独裁统治
– 关键词:雾月政变,拿破仑,独裁统治
– 新闻内容:1799 年 11 月 9 日,拿破仑以解除雅各宾派过激主义威胁法兰西第一共和国为借口,派军队控制了督政府,接管了革命政府的一切事务,开始了为期 15 年的独裁统治。历史上称拿破仑在这天发动的政变为“雾月政变”,史称“雾月事件”。拿破仑的雾月政变不仅对法国产生了深远的影响,也对世界历史产生了重要的影响。


Title: Napoleon’s “Terror of the Fog” and the start of hisdictatorship
– Keywords: Foggy Plot, Napoleon, dictatorship
– News content: On November 9, 1799, Napoleon, then 38 years old, cited the threat posed by the Jacobins to the newly established 法兰西 First Republic as a reason to launch a coup. He sent his army to seize the central government, taking over all the tasks of the revolutionary government. This period of his rule began 15 years later, on May 18, 1814, and is known as the “Foggy Plot” in history. The Foggy Plot was a turning point in Napoleon’s political career and marked the beginning of his dictatorship. Napoleon’s rule brought prosperity and stability to France, but also led to violations of individual rights and freedoms.

The Foggy Plot of Napoleon not only had a profound impact on French history but also on world history. Napoleon’s authoritarian rule provided a template for future authoritarian regimes, and his invasion of Russia in 1812 led to the collapse of his empire.


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