据记者了解到的最新救援情况,11 月 7 日 17 时 40 分左右,四川雅安境内一油罐车发生爆炸燃烧,引燃旁边两辆货车。据目击者称,现场浓烟滚滚,火花四溅。事故发生后,多辆消防车和救护车赶到现场救援,伤者被紧急送往医院。据透露,事故已致 2 人死亡,另有 2 名伤者已送医救治。目前,相关部门正在调查事故原因,并采取措施确保安全。

A tanker truck explosion in Yarkand, Sichuan province caused two deaths and two injuries. According to reports, the explosion occurred at about 5:40 pm on November 7th, and the tanker truck caught fire, spreading flames to the adjacent two trucks. eyewitnesses described the scene as thick smoke billowing and sparks flying. After the accident, several fire and medical vehicles rushed to the scene to assist, and the injured were rushed to the hospital for treatment. It is understood that the accident has resulted in two deaths and two injured people. The relevant authorities are currently investigating the cause of the accident and taking measures to ensure safety.


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