11 月 7 日,四川省雅安市发生了一起油罐车爆炸燃烧事故,造成 2 人死亡、2 人受伤。当地政府迅速组织应急、公安、消防等救援力量赶赴现场,目前,应急救援工作仍在进行中。
目前,当地警方正在对事故原因展开调查,同时,事故造成的善后工作也在有序进行。受伤人员已被送往当地医院进行救治,其中 2 名伤者伤势较为严重,需要住院治疗。
Sichuan pipeline tanker explosion and fire caused 2 deaths and 2 injuries in Yibin, Sichuan. On November 7th, a pipeline tanker carrying fuel burst in Yibin, Sichuan, resulting in a fire and explosion. According to reports, the pipeline tanker caught fire after it overturned on the road. The accident caused two deaths and two injuries. The local government quickly organized emergency, public security, and fire rescue forces to the scene, and the rescue operation is still ongoing.
It is reported that the pipeline tanker was carrying fuel when the accident happened. The tanker overturned and caught fire, resulting in the explosion and fire. The two deaths and two injuries were caused by the explosion. The local government has taken measures to strengthen the safety supervision of pipeline tankers, ensuring that such accidents will not happen again.
【来源】https://www.baidu.com/s?wd=四川一油罐车爆炸燃烧 已致2死2伤
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