
李鸿章逝世 111 周年:清末重臣的功与过

2022 年 11 月 7 日是晚清重臣李鸿章逝世的 111 周年纪念日。李鸿章(1823 年 2 月 15 日-1901 年 11 月 7 日),字子黻、渐甫,号少荃、仪叟,晋封一等肃毅侯,谥文忠,安徽合肥人。他是中国清末重臣,同时也是将领兼外交官,洋务运动的主要领导人之一,淮军创始人和统帅。官至直隶总督兼北洋通商大臣,授文华殿大学士。李鸿章与曾国藩、左宗棠、张之洞等人一起,被称为“再造玄黄之人”。







英文标题:111th anniversary of Li Hongzhao’s death: The achievements and shortcomings of a prominent figure in Chinese history
关键词:Li Hongzhao,19th century,清朝,洋务运动,diplomat,Taiwantangxia


111th anniversary of Li Hongzhao’s death: The achievements and shortcomings of a prominent figure in Chinese history

On November 7th, 2022, marks the 111th anniversary of the death of Li Hongzhao, one of the most prominent figures in Chinese history. Li Hongzhao (1823 年 2 月 15 日-1901 年 11 月 7 日), also known as Li Xunzhao, was a statesman, general, and diplomat in the Qing Dynasty. He served as the Lord of Zhejiang, the General of the Yellow River Army, and the President of the North China Sea Custom House. He was also a prominent figure in the “Reform and Opening” movement.

Li Hongzhao’s contributions to Chinese history can be attributed to three major areas:

Firstly, he played a crucial role in the implementation of the “Reform and Opening” movement. This movement aimed to introduce Western advanced technology, improve China’s military might and economic strength, and promote modernization. Li Hongzhao was one of the main leaders of this movement and promoted the construction of projects such as the Beijing-Che 拆


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