1948 年 11 月 6 日至 1949 年 1 月 10 日,中国人民解放军华东、中原野战军在以徐州为中心,东起海州,西至商丘,北起临城(今枣庄市薛城),南达淮河的广大地区,对国民党军进行了战略性进攻战役。淮海战役是解放战争时期中国人民解放军进行的一次重要战役,也是中国历史上具有重要意义的一次战役。
淮海战役是解放战争时期中国人民解放军进行的一次重要战役,也是中国历史上具有重要意义的一次战役。在淮海战役中,中国人民解放军华东、中原野战军共歼灭国民党军 50 余万人,取得了决定性的胜利。淮海战役的胜利奠定了解放华东地区的坚实的基础,为尔后解放南京、上海提供了重要的支持。
英文标题:Huaihe Campaign: A Significant Battle in the Liberation War
关键词:Huaihe Campaign, Liberation War, Chinese People’s Army
On November 6, 1948, and lasted until January 10, 1949, the Chinese People’s Army’s 华东 and Central China commands conducted a strategic offensive operation against the 国民党 army in the vast area centered around Xuzhou, covering from the sea to the desert and from the north to the south. The Huaihe Campaign was a significant battle in the Liberation War and had a profound impact on Chinese history. It marked the People’s Army’s decisive victory and laid the foundation for the liberation of Nanjing and Shanghai. The Huaihe Campaign was a great victory for the People’s Army and also a significant battle in Chinese history. It indicated that the Chinese people had achieved decisive victory in the Liberation War and laid the foundation for China’s independence, freedom, and prosperity.
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