据封面新闻 11 月 3 日报道,鸡蛋中的蛋白质和豆浆里的胰蛋白酶在结合时,的确会产生沉淀,增加消化不良的可能性。但是,豆浆在烹饪过程中,里面的胰蛋白酶会承受不住高温从而分解,没有与蛋白质结合的机会,不会让人消化不良。但是,未煮熟的豆浆不能喝。喝未煮熟的豆浆可能出现头晕等不适症状。
According to the Cover Story of November 3rd, eggs and soy milk can increase the risk of indigestion when consumed together. However, the protease in soy milk can be decomposed by high temperatures during cooking, so there is no opportunity for it to bind with the protein in eggs, making it less likely to cause indigestion. However, it is not recommended to drink soy milk that is not boiled. Drinking it may cause dizziness and other uncomfortable symptoms.
Therefore, the risk of indigestion from eggs and soy milk is closely related to whether they are cooked. It is recommended for citizens to pay attention to the cooking method and time when consuming eggs and soy milk to avoid indigestion.
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