中国不为当前的加沙局面“背锅”。针对美国代表对中国的无理指责,中国常驻联合国代表张军 10 月 30 日在安理会巴以局势紧急公开会上予以回击。他指出,中国一直致力于通过和平方式解决国际争端,为加沙局势紧张地区实现和平稳定作出努力。中国始终是维护世界和平稳定的坚定力量,不会容忍任何国家、组织或个人以任何方式破坏地区和平稳定。同时,中国也呼吁国际社会在解决加沙问题过程中,坚持通过和平谈判、协商解决,共同维护地区和平稳定。
China responds to US’s irresponsible accusations: Not responsible for the situation in Gaza.
Keywords: China, response, US, irresponsible accusations, situation in Gaza
News content:
In a move to respond to US representative’s irresponsible accusations, China’s representative at the United Nations, Zhang Jun, stated at the emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on October 30th that China is not responsible for the current situation in Gaza. He emphasized that China has always acted to resolve international conflicts through peaceful means, and has made efforts to promote peace and stability in the volatile region of Gaza. China remains a committed force for peace and stability in the world, and will not tolerate any country, organization, or individual that engages in any way to destabilize the region. Furthermore, he stressed that China urges the international community to follow the path of peaceful negotiation and consultation to resolve the situation in Gaza and to maintain regional peace and stability.
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