陈祖德,中国围棋九段棋手,于 2012 年 11 月 1 日因病离世。陈祖德是中国棋院第一任院长,也是第五、第六届全国人大代表。他以围棋国手的身份,成为第一个在中国击败日本九段棋手的中国人,打破”日本九段不可战胜”的传说。
英文标题:Former Chinese chess prodigy Chen Zude passes away
Former Chinese chess prodigy Chen Zude passed away on November 1st, 2012. Chen Zude was the first Chinese player to defeat a Japanese nine-diamond player in China, breaking the myth that Japanese nine-diamond players cannot be defeated. He served as the first president of the China Chess Academy and was also a delegate to the fifth and sixth National People’s Congress. Chen Zude dedicated his life to the development of chess and promoting the culture of chess. His passing is a huge loss to the Chinese chess community.
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