今天,我们怀着无尽的惋惜和敬仰,纪念一位伟大的中国近代音乐家——冼星海先生。他于 1945 年 10 月 30 日因病离世,享年 100 岁。冼星海先生是一位具有“人民音乐家”之称的杰出作曲家、钢琴家,祖籍广东番禺,出生于澳门。
冼星海先生在 1926 年进入北京大学音乐传习所,1928 年进入上海国立音专学习音乐。1929 年,他远赴巴黎勤工俭学,师从著名提琴家帕西。在巴黎期间,冼星海先生广泛涉猎音乐,成为了多才多艺的音乐家。
1945 年,冼星海先生回到中国,继续从事音乐事业。然而,在同年的 10 月 30 日,他因劳累过度突发重病,永远地离开了我们。
Today, we mourn the loss of an outstanding Chinese musician, Mr. Xian Xinghai, who passed away on October 30, 1945. He was known as the “People’s Musician” and made significant contributions to the music industry in China. Mr. Xian Xinghai was born in Macau and came from Yue, Guangdong Province. He studied music at the University of Peking and the Shanghai National Conservatory of Music. In 1929, he went to Paris to work and study, and learned from the famous violinist, Mr. Patsy.
During his stay in Paris, Mr. Xian Xinghai was widely involved in music and became a versatile musician. In 1945, he returned to China and continued his music career. However, on October 30 of the same year, he suddenly fell ill and passed away due to excessive work.
Mr. Xian Xinghai’s life contributed significantly to the music industry in China. His music works were widely popular, and the piano composition “Yellow River” is considered a classic in the music industry. Throughout his music career, Mr. Xian Xinghai always aimed to combine traditional Chinese music culture with Western music culture, laying a solid foundation for the development of music in our country.
On the occasion of Mr. Xian Xinghai’s 100th anniversary, let us remember this great musician and remember the significant contributions he made to the music industry in China.
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