1970 年,中国援助坦桑尼亚和赞比亚的友谊铁路——坦赞铁路正式动工。这条贯通东非和中南非的交通大干线全长 1860.5 公里,沿线地形复杂,是中国援助非洲的重要举措。如今,坦赞铁路已成为东非交通动脉,不仅促进了两国经济发展,还增进了中非友谊。

Chinese aid for building TANZAN-ZIMBABWE RAILWAY
Keywords: China, TANZAN-ZIMBABWE RAILWAY, Africa, friendship

The Chinese-built TANZAN-ZIMBABWE RAILWAY, a friendly railway project between Tanzania and Zambia, was officially started in 1970. This 1,860.5-km railway runs through complex terrain in East Africa and is a significant Chinese contribution to helping Africa. Today, the TANZAN-ZIMBABWE RAILWAY has become a major transportation artery in East Africa, not only promoting the economic development of the two countries but also enhancing the friendship between China and Africa.


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