据邯郸市医学会肾脏病学分会主任委员、中心医院肾内科主任郑朝介绍,为了帮助尿毒症患者重拾信心,提高患者的生活品质,减轻医护人员的工作压力,“情系肾友·透亮人生”尿毒症救助公益计划于 10 月 28 日正式启动。该计划将采用创新的替代性治疗方式——可远程监控的自动腹膜透析,为患者带来希望。患者可以通过远程监控设备实时了解自己的病情,并得到专业医护人员的指导。此外,该计划还将为患者提供生活、心理、社会等方面的支持和帮助,让他们在治疗过程中感受到社会的温暖和关爱。
The “Friendly to Kidney Patients, Brighten Their Lives” dialysis assistance public program was officially launched on October 28th. According to the president of the Medical Association of Shandong Province, Center Hospital, Shuiliu Department, Zheng Chao, the innovative alternative therapy of “remote monitoring automatic peritoneal dialysis” can bring hope and courage to patients with dialysis-related kidney diseases. This not only helps to improve patients’ quality of life but also reduces the work pressure of medical staff.
The program aims to provide support and assistance to patients with kidney diseases, including financial assistance, psychological support, and social assistance. Patients can remotely monitor their condition through the monitoring device and receive guidance from professional medical personnel. In addition, the program will also provide education and consultation services to help patients understand and cope with their condition.
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