据联合国难民署介绍,自 2019 年以来,全球流离失所人数持续增加,主要原因是战争、冲突和自然灾害。例如,叙利亚、利比亚、也门和阿富汗等国的战争和人道主义危机导致了大量人口流离失所。此外,全球范围内的自然灾害,如洪水、干旱和地震等,也对流离失所人数产生了负面影响。
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has reported that the number of globally displaced persons has exceeded 114 million, according to its annual trends report released on October 25th. The report highlights the ongoing crisis in global displacement, which is mainly caused by war, conflict, natural disasters, and humanitarian crises. The report mentions that countries like Syria, Libya, Yemen, and Afghanistan have been the most affected by these issues.
In response to the growing global displacement issue, UNHCR continues to support governments and the international community in adopting measures to alleviate the impact of the humanitarian crisis and improve the global protection system.
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