据安徽省宁国市方塘乡消息,随着气温逐渐降低,该乡 2000 多亩落羽杉层林尽染,日渐斑斓。每年 10 月中下旬起,落羽杉的叶片逐渐变色,从深绿到浅黄,从金黄到深红。高大挺拔的落羽杉在青龙湾湿地中亭亭玉立,与碧水青山相映,构成一幅色彩缤纷的画卷。

新闻标题:Ningguo’s Fangtang Village’s Red-Leafed Spruce Forest on Fire
关键词:Ningguo、Fangtang Village、Red-Leafed Spruce Forest、Autumn、Borderland、Colorful

According to Ningguo 市 Fangtang Village, as the temperature drops, the forest of red-leaved spruce in the area has become increasingly colorful. Starting from mid-October, the leaves of the red-leaved spruce change color from deep green to light yellow, and from golden to deep red. The towering red-leaved spruce stands proud in the Qinglong 湾湿地,with the blue water and green mountains surrounding it, forming a colorful picture.


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