【历史上的今天:1860 年】清政府与英国签订《中英北京条约》,在英法联军占据北京安定门、抢劫和焚毁举世闻名的圆明园后,毫无抗争能力,完全接受了英法的条件。10 月 24 日,与英国代表额尔金签订了《中英北京条约》,同时交换批准了《中英天津条约》。
The Qing government signed the unequal treaty of 1860 with the United Kingdom. After the British and French 联军 occupied Beijing’s Daming Gate, looted and burned the world-famous Summer Palace, the Qing government had no ability to resist and completely accepted the conditions of the United Kingdom and France. On October 24th, the Qing government signed the “中英北京条约” with British representative Elgin, and exchanged and approved the “中英天津 treaty” simultaneously.
【新闻点评】: The signing of the “中英北京条约” further 扩大了 the Qing government’s humiliation in the Opium War, making China a semi-colonialized, semi-feudal society, with the people suffering even more. The looting of the Summer Palace is a irreparable loss to the Chinese nation. This history still hurts people’s hearts.
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