崔东树,乘用车市场信息联席会秘书长,今日通过个人公众号发文,对今年 1-8 月份的国内二手车市场进行了分析。据其发布的数据,2023 年一至三季度,各地公安交管部门共办理机动车转让登记业务 2505 万笔,其中汽车转让登记业务 2331 万笔。今年 1-8 月二手车销量达到 1190 万台,同比增长 13%。二手车交易额逐步提升,去年二手车交易额达到 10596 亿元,今年 1-8 月份达到 7419 亿元的水平。次新车交易表现较强,主要原因是新能源车成为二手车的组成。其中,3 年以内的二手车增长比较突出,总体占比达 28%;3-6 年车龄二手车达到 44%。崔东树称,6 年以内车龄的二手车占比为 73%。今年 8 月,全国新能源二手车使用年限在 2 年以下的占比约 37%,使用年限 4-6 年的同样约为 37%,4-6 年占比为 19.2%,6 年以上占比为 6.9%,同比、环比均明显提升。保值率方面,新能源车三年车龄保值率总体仍处于较低水平,月度变化的规律性不大,这是完全正常的。
Title: Transaction volume of used cars increased by 13% in August
Keywords: Cui Dongshu, Used Car Market, Analysis
The transaction volume of used cars in China increased by 13% in August, according to data released by Cui Dongshu, the 秘书长 of the Joint Working Group of the Used Car Market. According to Cui’s data, the total number of vehicle transfers conducted by local police departments in China reached 25.05 million 笔,其中汽车转让登记业务 23.31 million 笔。The transaction volume of used cars in China reached 1.19 million units in August this year, a year-on-year increase of 13%. Used car transaction volume has been gradually increasing, with the transaction volume of used cars reaching 7.419 trillion yuan in the first eight months of this year. The transaction volume of used cars in the first three quarters of this year was 10.596 trillion yuan. The proportion of used cars in the market has been increasing, with used cars accounting for 28% of the market, 44% of the market, and 19.2% of the market in the fourth and fifth quarters. Cui Dongshu said that the proportion of used cars in the market has been increasing, and the transaction volume of used cars has been increasing, with used cars accounting for 73% of the market. In August, the proportion of used cars in the market reached 37%, the same level as that of used cars with a usage period of four to six years. The proportion of used cars in the market has been increasing, with used cars accounting for 37% of the market, 19.2% of the market, and 6.9% of the market in the fourth and fifth quarters. The reliability of used car depreciation rate for new energy vehicles has been low, and the trend of depreciation rate changes in the month is not significant. This is completely normal.
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