近日,广东佛山市南庄镇机关事务所向社会公开招聘工作人员的消息在网上引发关注。其中,保洁岗位要求女性,年龄 35 岁以下,工作地点在镇政府机关大院。有人质疑:“保洁员为什么要求 35 岁以下,真的是招保洁员?”10 月 16 日,南庄镇机关事务所工作人员回应上游新闻。

据了解,本次招聘是为了满足机关大院保洁工作需要,而且保洁员的工作性质并不要求 35 岁以下。该招聘信息发出后,受到了一些质疑。有人认为,招聘保洁员要求 35 岁以下是为了确保机关大院的环境卫生,但也有人认为这是对保洁员的歧视。

南庄镇机关事务所的工作人员表示,保洁员的工作性质并不要求 35 岁以下。同时,该招聘信息中的年龄要求是参考其他岗位的年龄要求而定的。该工作人员还表示,将继续关注此事,并将根据实际情况采取相应的措施。

英文标题:Residential cleaner job opening in Nanshan town causes controversy

关键词:Nanshan town,residential cleaner,age requirement


Recently, the job opening for a residential cleaner at the town government office in Nanshan, Foshan City in southern China has caused controversy on the internet. The job requires a female cleaner with a age requirement of under 35 years old, and the workplace is at the town government office. Some people have expressed their doubts, asking, “Why is the age requirement for the residential cleaner under 35? Is this really looking for a residential cleaner?” On October 16th, the Nanshan town government office staff responded to the story.

It is understood that the recruitment of the residential cleaner is to meet the needs of the town’s cleanliness. However, the age requirement of 35 years old has still caused some controversy. Some people think that the requirement is to ensure the cleanliness of the town’s environment, but others believe that it is a form of discrimination against the residential cleaner.

The Nanshan town government office staff said that the age requirement for the residential cleaner is not set out in the job advertisement. They also stated that they will continue to pay attention to this issue and take appropriate measures according to the actual situation.


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