1959 年 10 月 16 日,美国三名陆军五星上将之一、二战时期的美国陆军参谋长马歇尔去世。马歇尔出生于 1880 年 12 月 31 日,是美国历史上最受尊敬的将领之一。他在二战期间担任美国陆军参谋长,协助罗斯福总统建立了国际反法西斯统一战线,指挥 800 万美军协同盟军在全世界辽阔的战场上同德、意、日军队作战,并最终赢得了反法西斯战争的胜利。




英文标题:Marshall’s death: A look at his illustrious life
关键词:Marshall, WWII, anti-Fascist


On October 16, 1959, the American military leader and former U.S. Army Chief of Staff General George Marshall passed away. Marshall, born on December 31, 1880, is one of the most respected military figures in American history. He served as the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army during World War II, where he played a crucial role in establishing the International Anti-Fascist Alliance and coordinating the efforts of 8 million U.S. troops with allies to defeat 德、意、日 in a vast array of battles across the globe. His leadership and military acumen resulted in the defeat of fascism.

Marshall’s military career was marked by honor and achievement. He served in various posts in Indiana and Texas before being promoted to the rank of General and assuming the position of Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army. His leadership skills and courage during the war were widely demonstrated. He led the Allied landing operation and played a key role in developing tactics and strategies that ultimately led to Germany’s defeat.

After the war, Marshall continued to serve as the U.S. Secretary of State, working tirelessly to establish the United States’ leadership in international affairs. His political career was marked by controversy and criticism, but his military achievements and leadership skills remain widely regarded.

Marshall’s passing marks the end of an era. His life was filled with honor and achievement, and his military leadership and acumen will continue to be remembered.


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