鬼谷游戏河图工作室近日消息,他们正在研发一款以修仙为题材的水墨画国产 CCG 游戏《代号河图》。这款游戏由鬼谷工作室河图团队开发,玩家需要围绕人、妖、神三族中的英雄来构筑卡组进行 PVP 对决。游戏尚在开发中,将于近期开启第一次邀请测试。
这款游戏以水墨画为题材,为玩家们提供了丰富的卡牌构筑选择。玩家们可以是人族、妖族或者神族中的英雄,每个英雄都有自己独特的技能和属性。玩家们需要利用这些卡牌来构建自己的卡牌组,以便在 PVP 对决中获胜。
Game Studio Hetao Team of Guigu Games Develops Watercolor-themed CCG Game “代号河图”
关键词:鬼谷游戏,河图工作室,水墨画,国产 CCG,代号河图
Guigu Games’ Hetao team recently revealed that they are developing a watercolor-themed Chinese CCG game called “代号河图”. This game is developed by the Hetao team at Guigu Games, and players will need to construct their own card sets by choosing heroes from the three races of human,妖怪,and deity. The game is currently in development, and the first invitation test is expected to be launched soon.
This game features a watercolor theme and offers players a wide range of card customization options. Players can choose heroes from the three races of human,妖怪,or deity, each with their own unique skills and attributes. Players will need to use these cards to construct their own card sets in order to win PVP battles.
The game is currently in development, but it is expected to be launched soon. Players can look forward to the immersive experience of playing this watercolor-themed game.
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