10 月 13 日,为期三天的第七届全国消防搜救犬技术比武竞赛在山东济南举行。本次比赛共有来自全国 31 个消防救援总队及森林消防队伍、南京训练总队共计 330 名训导员及 256 头搜救犬参加。此次比赛旨在加强全国消防搜救犬技术水平,提高 searching and rescue(搜救)能力,为全国消防事业作出贡献。
The seventh national fire search and rescue dog technology competition was held in Jinan, Shandong Province, China on October 13th, with a three-day competition period. A total of 330 search and rescue dog handlers and 256 search and rescue dogs participated in the event from 31 fire and rescue units, forest fire units, and the Nanjing training unit. The competition aims to improve the search and rescue capabilities of the dogs and to contribute to the fire service in China.
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