据吉尔吉斯斯坦国防部新闻局 9 日称,集体安全条约组织(集安组织)在吉尔吉斯斯坦伊塞克湖畔的“火绒草”训练中心当日举行了“牢不可破的兄弟情 -2023”联合军事演习。本次演习旨在加强成员国之间的合作和安全保障,提高成员国武装力量的战斗力和应对非传统安全威胁的能力。演习共持续了两天,包括射击、战斗演练和多国军队联合训练等环节。此次演习是集安组织年度例行军演之一,也是成员国间的一次重要军事交流活动。


The Collective Security Treaty Organization ( CSTO) conducted a large-scale military exercise in Kyrgyzstan on October 9th, according to a statement from the Kyrgyzstan Ministry of Defense and Security. The exercise, titled “Unbreakable 兄弟情 -2023,” aimed to enhance cooperation between member states and improve the combat capabilities and the ability to respond to non-traditional security threats of the armed forces. The exercise, which lasted for two days, included shooting, combat exercises, and joint training between multiple countries. The exercise was one of the annual routine exercises conducted by the CSTO and also represents an important military exchange between member states.


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