据北京通州梨园镇通报,9 日下午,该镇一餐饮店发生燃气管道爆炸,导致多名伤者送医。目前,当地政府正在全力调查事故原因,并采取措施确保安全。据目击者称,现场有明显浓烟,部分建筑物受损。此次事故已引起社会广泛关注,相关部门正在加紧处理。
On the afternoon of the 9th, a gas pipeline of a restaurant in Liyuan town, Beijing 通州,was exploded, and several injured people were sent to the hospital. The local government is currently working hard to investigate the cause of the accident and take measures to ensure safety. According to witnesses, there was a significant smoke cloud at the scene, and some buildings were damaged. This incident has attracted widespread attention, and relevant authorities are working tirelessly to deal with the situation.
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