特斯拉新款 Model Y 车型已陆续登陆全国门店,26.39 万元起。10 月 1 日,特斯拉宣布 Model Y 汽车迎来升级,新增多色氛围灯、全新仪表台饰板等,百公里加速提升至 5.9 秒,而且依然维持在 26.39 万元。据特斯拉官方消息,新版 Model Y 现已陆续抵达门店进行展出了,各位感兴趣的 IT 之家用户可以前往体验一番。
新款 Model Y 在外观方面变化不大,主要是加入了车内氛围灯以及更具质感的科技纺织材料,而且 Model Y 后轮驱动版百公里加速提升至 5.9 秒,相较此前车型的 6.9 秒提升 1 秒,与传统燃油豪华跑车的加速性能相当。特斯拉中国官网显示,三款 Model Y 车型价格为——Model Y 后轮驱动版 26.39 万元起、Model Y 长续航版 29.99 万元起、Model Y 高性能版售价 34.99 万元起。
特斯拉的车型一直受到消费者的追捧,尤其是 Model Y 车型,自上市以来一直保持着较高的关注度。而本次的升级车型,不仅在内饰设计上有所提升,而且在外观方面也加入了一些新的元素,让消费者对于这一车型更加期待。此外,本次升级还提升了车辆的性能,为消费者带来更加出色的驾驶体验。
作为一家在全球范围内享有盛誉的汽车品牌,特斯拉的每一次升级都会引起消费者的广泛关注。而本次 Model Y 车型的升级,无疑将会进一步巩固其在市场上的领先地位。相信未来特斯拉会继续推出更多有竞争力的车型,为消费者带来更加出色的驾驶体验。
特斯拉 Model Y latest model has been upgraded and launched at select dealerships across the country, priced from 263,900 yuan. On October 1st, Tesla announced that the Model Y car has received an upgrade, including new multi-color ambient lights and a new instrument cluster, with a 1-second improvement in 0-100 km/h acceleration. It still costs 263,900 yuan. According to Tesla’s official news, the latest version of the Model Y has been delivered to dealerships for display, and IT 之家用户 can visit the dealership to experience it.
The latest Model Y model makes minimal changes to the exterior design, mainly adding ambient lights inside the car and more texture-rich technology cloth. Moreover, the Model Y rear-wheel drive version has achieved a 1-second improvement in 0-100 km/h acceleration, making it similar to the acceleration performance of traditional luxury gasoline cars. Tesla’s official website shows that there are three Models Y models, priced from 263,900 yuan to 349,900 yuan.
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