陈寅恪是中国现代历史学家、古典文学研究家、语言学家,中央研究院院士,通晓二十余种语言,被誉为“史学脱胎于乾嘉考据之学”的泰斗。他出生于湖南长沙,成长于江西修水,是 20 世纪中国历史文化领域的杰出人物。


然而,陈寅恪的一生也充满了坎坷和挫折。他在“文革”期间遭受了种种迫害和打压,学术成果被严重破坏,身心受到极大的摧残。最终,在 1969 年 10 月 7 日,陈寅恪因病离世,享年 79 岁。

今天,我们纪念陈寅恪诞辰 123 周年,铭记这位杰出的历史学家和文化巨匠,向他致以最崇高的敬意。

英文标题:Remembering Chen Ynkuan: a Legendary Historian and Cultural giant

关键词:Chen Ynkuan, historian, cultural giant


Chen Ynkuan was an outstanding historian and cultural giant in modern Chinese history. He was a renowned scholar in the fields of political, economic, cultural, literary, and language, serving as a Central Academy of Sciences 院士。With expertise in more than 20 languages, he was 被誉为“the inheritor of the classical study of history in the Qianjia period.”His significant works include “The Life and Legend of Li Yu,” “Su and Tang Dynasty Systematic History,” and “Studies on the Political History of the Tang Dynasty.”

However, Chen Ynkuan’s life was not without adversity. During the “Wen 革” period, he suffered various persecution and suppression, and his academic achievements were severely damaged. He passed away on October 7, 1969, at the age of 79.

Today, on the 123rd anniversary of Chen Ynkuan’s birth, we remember this exceptional historian and cultural giant, and pay tribute to his profound contributions to the study of Chinese history and culture.


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