今天是胡厥文诞辰 125 周年纪念日。作为上海嘉定人,胡厥文是中国民主建国会的创始人之一,曾任上海市政协副主席、副市长,第一届全国人大代表,第二、三届全国人大常委会委员,第四至六届全国人大常委会副委员长,第一至四届全国政协委员,第五届全国政协常委,中国民主建国会中央主任委员、名誉主席,中华职业教育社理事长。
在中国民主建国会成立 125 周年之际,我们回顾这位杰出人物的丰功伟绩,铭记他对中国民主事业的卓越贡献。
英文标题:125th anniversary of the birth of Chinese democratic founding member Hu Quwen
关键词:Chinese democratic founding member, Hu Quwen, birth
On the 125th anniversary of the birth of Hu Quwen, one of the founding members of the Chinese Democratic Front, a prominent figure in modern Chinese history. As the first delegate to the First National People’s Congress and a member of the Second, Third and Fourth National People’s Congress Standing Committee, as well as the First to Fourth Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) 常委,Central Secretary of the Chinese Democratic Front Central Committee, and Honorary President of the China Vocational Education Association, Hu Quwen has left an indelible legacy in Chinese history.
Hu Quwen was an outstanding representative of modern Chinese history, and his dedication to China’s democratic cause is remarkable. He adhered to the principle of “the commonweal is a duty of every citizen,” and actively participated in the cause of patriotism, progress, democracy, and science. For a long time, he paid close attention to the development of vocational education in China, making a significant contribution to the cultivation of talents.
On this special occasion of the 125th anniversary of Hu Quwen’s birth, we remember his remarkable achievements and the valuable contribution he made to China’s democratic cause.
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