1. 10 月 5 日上午 10 点多,饿了么骑手王鹏飞准时抵达水碓子小区 18 号楼,为社区老人送餐上门。
2. 王鹏飞在假期休息后重新回到工作岗位,头一件事就是挨个为社区老人送餐上门。
3. 王鹏飞表示:“您准时吃上热饭我就高兴!”。
4. 经过短暂的几天休息,王鹏飞重新回到工作岗位,头一件事就是挨个为社区老人送餐上门。

Title: Rider Wang Pangfang Delivers Food to Community Elderly People
Keywords: Rider, Wang Pangfang, community, old people, delivering food

Chinese news content:
1. At about 10:30 a.m. on October 5th,饿了么骑手王鹏飞 arrived at unit 18 of the Shuidezi community in the Jiulong district on time, delivering food to the elderly people there.
2. After a few days of rest during the holiday, Wang Pangfang returned to his job as a rider on the first day, and his first task was to deliver food to the elderly people in the community.
3. Wang Pangfang said, “I’m happy when you have a hot meal on time!”
4. After a short break, Wang Pangfang returned to his job as a rider on the first day, and his first task was to deliver food to the elderly people in the community.

English translation:
Title: Rider Wang Pangfang Delivers Food to Elderly People in Community
Keywords: Rider, Wang Pangfang, community, elderly people, delivering food


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