中国工会十八大将于 10 月 9 日在北京开幕。这是中国工会五年一次的全国代表大会,也是中国共产党领导下的一个重要组织事件。据悉,此次大会将选举产生新一届中华全国总工会领导机构,其中包括主席、副主席和常务副主席等职务。
Chinese Union Congress to Open in Beijing
Keywords: Chinese Union, Congress, Beijing, opening
News Content:
The Chinese Union Congress will open in Beijing on October 9th. This is a five-yearly national congress of the Chinese Union, and also an important organizational event under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. It is expected that the new leadership of the Chinese Union will be elected during the conference, including the President, Vice President, and Standing Committee of the Union.
The holding of this conference is of great significance for promoting the Chinese Union to better serve the masses of workers and the strengthening of the organization itself. The Chinese Union has always been an important force in maintaining labor rights, promoting economic development, and promoting social stability and social harmony. With the development of the Chinese economy, the organization of the Chinese Union has also been growing, and it has made great contributions to maintaining social stability, promoting economic development, and promoting social harmony and the realization of the Chinese Dream.
The holding of this conference marks a new historical moment for the Chinese Union, facing new challenges and tasks. At this historical moment, the Chinese Union will better serve the masses of workers, promote the realization of the Chinese Dream, and strive to build a stronger and more influential organization.
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