酷冷至尊现已发布三款游戏显示器,分别为 GP2711 Mini LED 型号、GZ2711 OLED 型号和 GM34-CWQ2 带鱼屏型号。这些显示器都采用了 27 英寸 VA 面板,2K 分辨率,165Hz 刷新率,95% DCI-P3 色域。其中,GP2711 Mini LED 型号的售价为 449 美元,GZ2711 OLED 型号的售价为 576 分区背光,典型亮度 600 尼特,峰值亮度 1500 尼特,GM34-CWQ2 带鱼屏型号的售价为 419 美元。
这三款游戏显示器都具有出色的性能和外观设计,适合游戏玩家和电影爱好者使用。其中,GP2711 Mini LED 型号采用了 576 分区背光,可以提供更加细腻的图像和更好的对比度表现。GZ2711 OLED 型号则配备了 90W 全功能 USB-C 接口和内置双 3W 扬声器,可以提供更加清晰和流畅的声音体验。GM34-CWQ2 带鱼屏型号则拥有 1500R 曲率和 4000:1 对比度,可以提供更加逼真的游戏画面和更好的色彩表现。
Cooler Master has just released three gaming monitors, including the GP2711 Mini LED model, GZ2711 OLED model, and GM34-CWQ2 RGB model. These monitors all feature 27-inch VA panels, 2K resolutions, 165Hz refresh rates, and 95% DCI-P3 color gamut. The GP2711 Mini LED model costs $449, while the GZ2711 OLED model features 90W full-function USB-C interface and integrated 3W speakers, and costs $576. The GM34-CWQ2 RGB model has a 1500R curvature and 4000:1 contrast ratio, and costs $419.
All three gaming monitors feature advanced display technology and high-refresh-rate screens, providing smoother and clearer game visuals and better color representation. Meanwhile, their sleek and modern designs also cater to different users’ needs for both aesthetics and displays.
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