1903 年 11 月,孙中山在檀香山希炉、火奴鲁鲁发表批驳保皇党的演说,号召华侨支持和投身民主革命斗争。在此基础上,孙中山重振革命组织,分别在两地创立革命团体中华革命军。中华革命军是孙中山在同盟会成立前在檀香山建立的革命团体名称。
Title: Sun Yat-sen established the revolutionary organization \”Chinese Revolutionary Army\”
Keywords: Chinese Revolutionary Army, Sun Yat-sen, revolutionary organization,檀香山,同盟会
On November 19, 1903, Sun Yat-sen, the founder of the Chinese Nationalist Party, gave a speech in Honolulu and Kapolei, Hawaii, denouncing the counter-revolutionary forces. He called on the overseas Chinese to support the fight for democratic revolution and, based on this, he revived the Chinese Revolutionary Army, established in Honolulu and Kapolei. The Chinese Revolutionary Army was the name of the revolutionary organization that Sun Yat-sen founded before the Chinese Nationalist Party.
\”Drive out the barbarians, restore China, and establish a people’s Republic.\” This was the new slogan of the Chinese Revolutionary Army.
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