今天是清末大吏张之洞的百年纪念日。张之洞 (1837 年 9 月 2 日 -1909 年 10 月 4 日) 是清朝末年的一位杰出政治家和军事家。他曾经担任过直隶南皮 (今河北南皮) 的知州和总督,在中国近代史上有着重要的地位。

张之洞是道光十七年 (1837 年) 的进士,咸丰二年 (1852 年) 十六岁中顺天府解元。他曾经在清朝末年的政治、军事和经济领域做出了卓越的贡献。他领导过多次重要的军事行动,包括镇压太平天国运动和义和团运动。他还推动了中国的现代化进程,支持了京张铁路和京张公路的建设。


英文标题:Remembering Zhang Zhi-dang, the Late President of Zhejiang Province

关键词:Zhang Zhi-dang, late President, Zhejiang Province


今天是清末大吏张之洞的百年纪念日。张之洞 (1837 年 9 月 2 日 -1909 年 10 月 4 日) 是清朝末年的一位杰出政治家和军事家。他曾经担任过直隶南皮 (今河北南皮) 的知州和总督,在中国近代史上有着重要的地位。

张之洞是道光十七年 (1837 年) 的进士,咸丰二年 (1852 年) 十六岁中顺天府解元。他曾经在清朝末年的政治、军事和经济领域做出了卓越的贡献。他领导过多次重要的军事行动,包括镇压太平天国运动和义和团运动。他还推动了中国的现代化进程,支持了京张铁路和京张公路的建设。



Title: Remembering Zhang Zhi-dang, the Late President of Zhejiang Province

Keywords: Zhang Zhi-dang, late President, Zhejiang Province

Chinese specific content:

Today is the 100th anniversary of the death of Zhang Zhi-dang, a prominent politician and military figure during the end of the Qing Dynasty. Zhang Zhi-dang was born on September 2, 1837 in Nanyi, Hebei Province, China. He passed away on October 4, 1909, at the age of 72. Throughout his life, Zhang Zhi-dang held various positions in the government and military, including serving as the magistrate of Zhejiang Province and the governor of Zhejiang Province. He was also an important figure in the modernization of China, supporting the construction of the Jing Zhang Railway and Jing Zhang Highway.

Zhang Zhi-dang’s death had a profound impact on Chinese history. He was an outstanding politician and military figure, and his thoughts and contributions had a lasting impact on Chinese history. His passing marked the decline of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of China’s modernization process.

English translation:

Title: Remembering Zhang Zhi-dang, the Late President of Zhejiang Province

Keywords: Zhang Zhi-dang, late President, Zhejiang Province

Chinese specific content:

Zhang Zhi-dang was a prominent politician and military figure during the end of the Qing Dynasty. He was born on September 2, 1837 in Nanyi, Hebei Province, China. He passed away on October 4, 1909, at the age of 72. Throughout his life, Zhang Zhi-dang held various positions in the government and military, including serving as the magistrate of Zhejiang Province and the governor of Zhejiang Province. He was also an important figure in the modernization of China, supporting the construction of the Jing Zhang Railway and Jing Zhang Highway.

Zhang Zhi-dang’s death had a profound impact on Chinese history. He was an outstanding politician and military figure, and his thoughts and contributions had a lasting


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