10 月 1 日晚,在杭州亚运会女子 100 米栏决赛中,吴艳妮经历了大起大落,先是抢跑,但被判犯规,仍被允许参赛。最终,她以 12 秒 77 的成绩在队友林雨薇之后撞线,获得了银牌。这是吴艳妮连续第二次在亚锦赛中抢跑犯规,也让她成为了当晚杭州奥体中心体育场的焦点。
On the evening of October 1st, the women’s 100-meter hurdles final at the 杭州亚运会 was a focal point of the evening at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center.吴艳妮,a popular \”Sichuan girl,\” experienced a significant rise and fall in the competition. First, she attempted to start early, but was penalized for impeding. However, she was still allowed to compete, and ultimately finished second behind her teammate Lin Yuwei with a time of 12.77 seconds. This is the second time in a row that 吴艳妮 has attempted to start early and been penalized at the Asian Games.
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