
74 年前的天安门广场是怎样的?1949 年开国大典珍贵彩色影像近日公布,让人们得以一窥 74 年前的天安门广场风貌。影像资料详细记录了当时的天安门、广场、群众、士兵等场景,仿佛将我们带回到 74 年前那个激动人心的时刻。开国大典是新中国成立的重要历史事件,珍贵彩色影像的公布,无疑是对那段历史最好的纪念。

What was the 天安门广场 like 74 years ago? The valuable 彩色 images of the founding ceremony of the People’s Republic of China were recently announced, allowing people to glimpse the appearance of the 天安门 square 74 years ago. The images depict various scenes such as the 天安门,the square, the crowd, and soldiers, taking us back to that emotional moment. The founding ceremony of the People’s Republic of China is an important historical event, and the release of valuable 彩色 images is undoubtedly the best way to remember that period.


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