今天是 1941 年莫斯科保卫战开始的 90 周年纪念日。回顾历史,莫斯科保卫战是第二次世界大战苏德战争中的一场重要会战,也是苏联军队保卫其首都莫斯科并粉碎向莫斯科进攻的德军“中央”集团军群各突击集团而实施的一系列防御战役。
Title: Remembering the 90th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow
Keywords: Battle of Moscow, WWII, Soviet army, counterattack
Today marks the 90th anniversary of the start of the Battle of Moscow, one of the important battles in the Second World War. The Battle of Moscow was also a campaign in the Sino-Soviet War, in which the Soviet army defended its capital, Moscow, and repelled the attack by the German \”Center\” Army Group.
During this battle, the Soviet army implemented various defense strategies, including setting up anti-tank batteries, strengthening walls and underground rooms, and using ambushes and guerrilla tactics. Although the Germans eventually captured Moscow, the Soviet army ultimately won the counterattack and became a significant turning point in the war.
Today, we remember history, reflect on the cruelty and complexity of war, and also remember the bravery and sacrifice of the Soviet army. We should remember history, cherish peace, and work towards a world of peace and prosperity.
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