据中新社报道,今年 10 月 1 日起,中国对保障性住房项目建设用地免征城镇土地使用税,并对保障性住房经营管理单位与保障性住房相关的印花税,以及保障性住房购买人涉及的印花税予以免征。这是中国政府支持保障性住房建设的一项新举措。




英文标题:China announces tax incentive policy to support affordable housing construction


According to reports from Xinhua News Agency, starting on October 1st, China has announced a tax incentive policy to support the construction of affordable housing. The policy 免除保障性住房项目建设用地征收城镇土地使用税,并对保障性住房经营管理单位与保障性住房相关的印花税,以及保障性住房购买人涉及的印花税予以免征。这是中国政府支持保障性住房建设的一项新举措。

Affordable housing refers to housing supply for low-income families in urban areas, aimed at helping them access affordable housing in city areas. Due to the large amount of funding required for the construction of affordable housing, the government takes various measures to support affordable housing construction, including the exemption of relevant taxes.

The implementation of this tax incentive policy will help to reduce the construction costs of affordable housing projects, improve the quality and supply of affordable housing, and promote social equity and stability. In addition, it will also promote the development of the housing market and optimize the housing supply structure to meet the needs of different housing layers.


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