据国防部网站消息,9 月 28 日下午,国防部举行例行记者会,国防部新闻局局长、国防部新闻发言人吴谦大校答记者问。在回答关于台湾自主建造的潜艇下水的问题时,吴谦表示,“不过是螳臂当车,终将会自取灭亡”。


1. 台湾的潜艇建造计划引发了大陆方面的强烈反应。
2. 台湾方面试图通过发展自己的潜艇力量来遏制中国大陆在太平洋地区的扩张。
3. 然而,大陆方面可能很快会采取措施来应对台湾的潜艇计划,台湾方面需要为此做好充分的准备。





The Taiwanese military announced the launch of its first domestically built submarine on Friday, which has sparked strong reactions from the Chinese side. According to reports, the 潜艇,which is expected to go into service soon, is seen as a threat to China’s expansion in the Pacific region.

Defense Minister Wu Qian made a warning statement at a press conference, saying, \”This is just a 螳臂挡车,It will ultimately lead to its own downfall.\” The warning suggests that the Taiwanese military needs to be prepared for potential retaliation from the Chinese side.

The launch of the Taiwanese 潜艇 has also generated international attention. Some countries have expressed support for Taiwan’s initiative, while others have expressed concern. Taiwan needs to carefully consider how to cooperate with other countries to maintain its position and reputation in the international arena.

Overall, the launch of the Taiwanese 潜艇 has added a new dimension to the tensions between Taiwan and China. It is likely that China will take steps to counter this threat, and Taiwan needs to be prepared for potential retaliation.


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